August Goal
- Track my expenses (Mint makes this easier!)
- Do a more accurate budget for September based on these expenses
A twenty somethings journey to becoming financially fabulous with one stiletto step at a time.
Not too shabby...But that's also about $100 in a weekend...YIKES! Money sure does disappear quickly. Barf!
Still no update on the grocery budget, I stayed with boyfriend and he bought dinner. YAY! I also saved $3.35 in Metro fare because he came and got me from work. YAY again for fabulous boyfriend, he's the best ever. So that leaves groceries for Wed-Mon on $25, yeah, I think I can swing that. Especially since I still have some random tidbits of food left at my apartment, that I have yet to eat. I guess this is what Dave Ramsey means by a "beans and hotdog" diet. I think that's what he uses...I know he says beans.
This week is restaurant week in DC, so I already know I'll be spending at least $30 for dinner because I have reservations with friends. That's not too bad...but no more! Unless I go with boyfriend, in which case, he'll pay (hehe). So that's another $30 that I'm already committing to spend. So I've spent about $130 up to this point and a week and a half to go!!
This thing is busted already :-/
Short Term Goals (2008)
Long Term Goals (2009/early 2010)
OH MY GOSH!! How did that add up so fast, seriously. Man...I'm glad I committed to taking this stuff back. Thank you very much Mr. Merchant, but I'd rather have my money for hmm, saving! Oh and just for kicks, let's throw Mr. Seersucker back in there too, that's $598! Yep...I think I just convinced myself that he's going back too. See ya, sucker. If you go on sale further, perhaps I'll come back and consider you at a later date. Then I can store you in my closet for next summer. You were awfully cute...but I'm gonna say no.
Long Term Goals (2009/early 2010)
Okay, I think those are realistic...and I feel like I can accomplish and commit to them. I'd also like to increase my contribution to my Thrift Savings Plan (that's the government version of a 401K) but that may not be reasonable since ultimately I plan to have both a TSP (tax-free contributions) and a Roth IRA (after tax contributions) that way I can have money that's already taxed hence no more taxes upon withdrawal and money that's allowed to grow without my current income being taxed. How financially savvy am I sounding today?!!! Haha...Okay, off to create my budget.