Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Setting Goals

So the first step I suppose would be to set some goals for myself. Or is it to make a budget? I hate that word...BUDGET! YUCK!!! It sounds soo creepy, like it's going to come tie you down forever and you'll never be fabulous again. So constricting and limiting...that means no picking up steals, deals, must haves, or anything else for that matter...besides food, rent, saving, gas...blah, blah, blah. Oh yeah, the goals...

Okay, seriously...short term and long term goals are probably appropriate that way I don't get bummed out or tired trying to accomplish them.

Short Term Goals (2008)
  • Make a budget
  • Track my expenses with the budget
  • Stick to the budget
  • Seriously commit to paying off my credit card (this will be the fourth time I've paid that sucker off)
  • Pay more on my car to speed up the payoff

Long Term Goals (2009/early 2010)

  • Pay off my credit card
  • Pay off my car
  • Save for a house (this is after the first two have been accomplished)
  • Start a Roth IRA (after my credit card is paid off since I already have a 401K that gets a large % of my income)

Okay, I think those are realistic...and I feel like I can accomplish and commit to them. I'd also like to increase my contribution to my Thrift Savings Plan (that's the government version of a 401K) but that may not be reasonable since ultimately I plan to have both a TSP (tax-free contributions) and a Roth IRA (after tax contributions) that way I can have money that's already taxed hence no more taxes upon withdrawal and money that's allowed to grow without my current income being taxed. How financially savvy am I sounding today?!!! Haha...Okay, off to create my budget.

1 comment:

E. "Bluntastic" Pizzler, the Fourth said...

These are GREAT goals, PYT...some I MUST steal!
Don't look at budgets as though they will tie you down can budget your fabulousity in them!!

The BLOW category will accomplish JUST that.

Have hope dear friend!