April Showers bring May Flowers...and I hope it rains money for me in April, so I can water down Mr. Chase and grown some Financial Flowers. :)

Major things I need to pay: birthday gift (x2), bridesmaid dress...that's all I can foresee for the month of April right now. I'll allot $300 for those items, since my bridesmaid dress is right around $200.
April Goals:
- Don't overspend. This one is getting old...but as a serious shopaholic, I have to keep it at #1 so it's always fresh on my mind.
- Find a side hustle. Something to bring in additional revenue. Right now, it's looking like tutoring. The faster I can finish paying off Mr. Chase, the faster I can open a Roth IRA and start focusing on paying off my car. I've got lots to accomplish in my financial future!
- Focus on pushing all extra money towards Mr. Chase. He's almost out of here...seriously, he is. By the summer, I think he'll be gone.
- Try to find financially smart ways to cook/eat healthy. I've noticed a few extra pounds which isn't a huge deal since my weight tends to fluctuate but still...I need to start building better habits.
So that's it. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...