Okay I'm having a major retail meltdown! I want all the items on my polyvores! (Isn't that site awesome?!) Well except the skinny jeans because I have my own. And I probably wouldn't wear the plaid blazer with the brown boots, just didn't have any place else to add them. I'm picturing how great these boots will look with skinny jeans! Mainly because of the buckle detail placement. I'm imagining the skinny jeans hitting the boots just right....AND BAM! Sheer perfection (giggling)!
And as for the other set...that's for work. Which makes it entirely feasible to purchase. But all of these items total, oh...around $500. I do have a 20% off coupon though! But...I know, I KNOW, I can't. Even though relatively speaking this is what I choose to spend majority of my play money on, I have to practice some restraint. Did I mention those Nine West shoes are a mere $59.99 on Piperlime? Good grief!!!
I have a confession...I added ALL of these items to my shopping cart and then closed the page! It actually DID help me feel better. Almost like "yes the items are on the way ma'am." Even though they're not...I still thoroughly enjoyed "adding/buying" them. I do need a nice black blazer...but when am I going on an interview again soon? Mehhh, not likely. So for $118, I suppose it'll stay there. But beware! I do plan on watching ALL of these items with intense scrutiny and snapping them up upon notice of sale pricing.
I knew blogging would make me feel better...and it has. I'm still thinking about those Nine West shoes...so darling! Restraint, restraint, restraint...
Girl, you are soo silly, I was cracking up reading this blog.
I'm glad you wrote it all out - with pictures, ha ha ha ha.
I had never heard of polyvore.com until this post. So of course I had to check it out, do the trial, sign up... Now look what you've started!
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