Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Budget Challenge Update

So I managed to live off of $60 worth of groceries for two weeks! I have no clue how I did it, but I did it. I've also started to eat healthier because I try to buy foods that will fill me up and aren't pre-processed and full of junk.

I did my budget for this paycheck...yes, I have to roll paycheck to paycheck with my budget, even a month is too difficult to plan for myself at this stage. After saving and shuffling money to various categories...on paper, I have $150 leftover. Good old Dave would say "Find a home for that $150, don't leave it out there in space." So I'm going to put it on my credit card. Slowly but surely...that thang is going down...die cc, DIE! I also rounded each expense up slightly so I probably will have more left over than I currently think but we have to start with baby steps.

All that to say, the challenge is still on! And like everyone else in this heartbreaking economy, I'm trying to pay down my debt as quickly as possible. I also managed to snag a few key fall items to update my wardrobe! Yes, I can do this budget thing...I really can.

1 comment:

E. "Bluntastic" Pizzler, the Fourth said...

ahh - another reminder that I too, need to buy groceries - asap.
I've decided that I'm shopping at Giant again...the Teet is entirely too expensive for my budget.

Hello Giant Kingstowne, LOL...
Good Sushi...for now.