Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Budget Challenge

Per my previous post...oh, about 10 minutes ago. I'm really going to commit to doing a budget for 3 months, since Mr. Ramsey says that's how long it usually takes people to get the hang of it. After which point, I'll review my money and see if I was able to keep a better hold of it. This should be interesting, especially since I get paid 3 times in October, which means if I do this right, I could come out way ahead. I am going to commit to keeping track of what I spend and writing down what I plan to spend and following through with this. So in the words of the older gentleman on the Cosby show, "CHALLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUNNNGGEEEEE!!"

Tune in next payday (October 17th) for updates.

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